Hey Ma, I see you.

On July 22, 2007 I lost my son. He was just 3 days old and I have never received an exact answer as to why he is not here with me. 6 years later on his birthday his Dad died. We were not together at the time but he was my best friend and the only person that truly understood my pain. Let me clarify before I continue - I do not write this so that you feel pity or sympathy as I do not see myself as a victim. I am just someone that life has happened to. I experienced circumstances I couldn’t have foreseen or prepared for but they are my reality.

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Just a little LOVE note <3

We have often created this fairytale of how this person - lover, child, friend or parent is going to show up. We set our expectations, reread the chapters we have been taught throughout our life, the good and bad and we charge on. It won’t be until we sit with ourselves, like REALLY sit and get real with our own shit that we can expect all of the love we crave. I mean, if love showed up before you were able to get real with yourself, would you even recognize it?

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Laura Mucci Comment

So, what if we judged a little less, loved a bit harder, and realized that it could be us, our brother or sister, husband, girlfriend, uncle, or our best friend that is fighting addiction. The truth is, we have no idea how they got to where they are, but we can help. Tell them they’re not alone, that you understand this world may have just been a little colder to them.

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Comebacks and Tattoos

The fear of being judged has taken more from you than you even know. It’s time to stop living for anyone but yourself… No one else can do it, no one else can be it, so I have a serious question. What would the world be like if we let the naysayers win? If you never became the most authentic version of yourself?

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Laura Mucci Comment

What if you were to just let go today? Loosen the reigns a little? Choose to just be happy right where you are, with who you are in this given moment? To be content for just a bit?

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Life is going to happen and when it does how will you respond? Will you meet these moments with resistance, or will you take them for what they are? A moment.

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